In Revelation Jesus is called to deliver the people from slavery to darkness. Only Jesus is worthy because He gave His life for the people of the Earth. Jesus is shown here as the Creator, the Lamb of God, and the King of Kings. Revelation 4 and 5 states He alone can executed judgment on the earth. He doesn’t come to condemn but frees us from darkness into His eternal LOVE.
Robert Macs
Let us do our best to love one another and be connected to God, that we may be in peace.
Let our peace affect the world around us.
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Robert Macs Art LLC is dedicated to faith in a loving God and community services.
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Jesus “The Deliverer”
Jesus “The Lamb of God”
Jesus “King of Kings”
Jesus “Our Key to Everlasting Love”
The Rogue Planet Disaster
The Book Jesus Your Deliverer
The Revelation Bible Study